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Episode 178 - Reset 2025: A Life Assessment pt. 2



Hello friends, and welcome back to Another Beautiful Life podcast. This is episode number 178 - Reset 2025: A Life Assessment. And this is part two where we take the results of your assessment from last week and use it to make a plan for making 2025 an extraordinary year.


If you haven’t filled out your Life Wheel assessment yet you can grab the Listener’s Guide from last week – episode 177 – that has the life wheel printed on it for you to fill out. Then also grab this week’s Listener’s Guide to work with me through this episode.


I want to give you a little bit of insight as to what you are doing to your brain by doing this exercise. And I don’t mean just walking through it in your head. But by printing out the Life Wheel and filling it out – giving each area of your life a score – your brain has just been triggered to solve a problem, like a puzzle. And the brain loves to solve problems and answer questions. So, you’ve just gotten your brain’s attention. Your brain is primed now, ready to find solutions to moving those low scoring areas higher up in satisfaction and contentment. It’s totally engaged, not apathetic or ambivalent to the outcome. And it’s goal oriented to prove the results true. In other words, what you’ve tasked it to solve, it will also work very, very hard to produce.


So, besides understanding the benefit of purposefully engaging the brain, it’s equally as important to discover what neural associations we have made with each area of our life that we’re assessing. Neural associations are thoughts and emotions that are connected to particular events or experiences. These kinds of connections are critical to discover so we can see how they’re impacting how we’re experiencing our life right now. You can find out how to uncover these neural associations and disconnect from an old story, old emotion, or an old experience by changing your connections. And you can find out more about that in episode number 165 – Connected To…Disconnected From. You can also use Listener’s Guide for episode 165 to help you work through it and, again, purposefully engage the brain.


Okay, if you have already filled out the Life Wheel and you’ve grabbed this week’s Listener’s Guide, let’s jump in.


The first thing we’re going to do is identify your three highest scoring segments or areas of assessment. These are the areas of your life that you’ve scored as the most satisfying or where you feel you are thriving the most. I want you to write those three down on that first line of the Listener’s Guide.


Then, of those three, choose the one you scored highest, or if they’re all the same, choose the area of life you feel most satisfied with. Take a quick minute, then, to analyze why that area is so satisfying. What are you doing in that area of your life?  What are the habits or patterns of behavior there? What’s happening? Why is it so good? Maybe also identify what you’re not doing.


Let me give you an example from one of my client’s assessments. She said that in her life, Growth or Resilience was a “10.” The reason why was because, she said, “It's not a choice in my mind if I'm going to be resilient or not, it just is. It's a decision that I made earlier that I’m not going to be a victim, but I’m going to continue to learn from my circumstances. It's just the space in which I operate. It's a world view for myself and a life that I’ve decided for myself.” So, she had put habits and patterns of behavior in place that encouraged her mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. She had decided not to sit and wallow in negative thoughts that would keep her down. She set intentions to do some very specific things, she had a plan, and she determined to use her adult brain to execute.


Now I want you to do the same thing with the lowest scoring segment. Take a minute here and really try to identify why this area is scoring so low? What’s going on? What’s happening? And what’s not happening? And why is that the case? You could and probably should get as detailed as you possibly can. Don’t miss this step. The awareness is necessary.


I’ll give you my client’s example here, too. Her lowest was Finances. She said, “I scored finances as a “one” because I don’t pay a lot of attention to it. It's like I don't worry too much about it unless there’s a problem and then I need to worry. Then I just fix it real quick. So then it's not really a mindset at all. I haven't decided anything about it. This becomes a problem because if I’m not paying attention, I tend to overspend and maybe even get myself into some financial trouble.”


So, these are the things that were happening. And actually, there were more things not happening that needed to be happening. She wasn’t thinking about it. She didn’t have a plan. She was just running around putting out fires, instead of having a fire prevention plan. Her brain was not engaged, and she was disconnected from this area of her life. Again, go listen to episode 165 - Connected To…Disconnected From to see how connections affect the various areas of our lives.


OK, if we took that area that’s a “10,” or your highest scoring segment, and we applied the same principles of your dedication and your commitment and your desire for that area, and we applied that to the lowest scoring area, what might change?


If you look at the principles or even the habits or patterns that you're doing in your highest segment of your life, what would it look like if you applied those consistently?  What would that look like for you? Do you think you might be able to move the score of that lowest area up several numbers? How might that change your life if it went from a 2 to a 5? How would it make a difference in how you’re experiencing your life as a whole?


I want to tell you that, just like my client had figured out, the difference in the “10” area of your life and the “1” area of your life is all in the way you are thinking about each of them. It’s your intention. It’s your decisions and desires.


And all of those are products of your will. And your will – your decisions, desires, determination – is formulated by your thoughts. So, ultimately, as you probably already know, it’s your thoughts that are creating the experience you are having in a particular area of life. Now, you might try to convince me that your Relationship segment is a 2 because you and your spouse fight all the time. But I would love to tell you that you fight all the time because of the way you are thinking. Those are the results you’re getting because of your thoughts and emotions. But when you change your thoughts, and your intentions, and your decisions, it will completely change the way you experience your life.


I mentioned last week about a free workshop I’m going to offer in February, so be sure to go to my website and get on my email list so you can register for that. We’ll talk about how emotions are created in your body and how you can intentionally create emotions that make your life feel better. When we’re able to put all these things together, we are empowered to change our lives in enormous ways. You want to be more even keeled in your relationships? You want to be unmoved by the ugly or critical comments of a co-worker? You want to be at peace with the decisions your adult children are making…even though you can see what’s coming for them? This is totally possible. And I’m not talking about living a robotic life, numb to the world and its events. It’s not living in a Pollyanna bubble. I’m talking about being fully alive and present in your world, and still be, at the same time, settled, calm, confident, and joyful.


So, knowing that your brain does this tricky thing by creating just what you are thinking, how do you want to feel next year about each of these areas? You have an opportunity to determine - by your will - how you will experience each of these areas of your life. So, what is the emotion you want to feel for each? You might write that emotion or feeling on your Life Wheel beside each segment. That’s your goal for 2025.


So, back to that previous question: What would change in your lowest scoring segment or areas of life if you applied the same principles there that you had for your highest scoring segment? Really think about how that would change. And remember, this is the piece of the puzzle that the brain wants to see come to fruition. It’s going to work very hard to make it a reality.


Okay, we’re going to continue on with the results of the Life Wheel Assessment. And if you need to pause the recording to answer the following questions, I’d rather you do that so you can really get your brain to engage and take ownership of finding and producing the solutions.


First, answer this question: What are some things you want to leave behind in 2024? And why? Just jot a few things down. It could be an idea or thought, a belief, or an actual thing. Maybe even a person.


Now, what are some things you want to take with you from 2024 into 2025. And why? You might consider what you would describe as a “win” for last year in each area?


Next, I want you to reflect on some new things that you didn’t have or experience in 2024 that you want to create this year. What pops into your mind right away? Usually what comes up first and quickly is what our heart is desiring. So, write those things down. These things need to be, thought, very specific. The brain needs to have specifics to do the thing. It will not produce the results you want – your goals – if things are very vague. Remember the Reticular Activating System? It’s all about proving what you’re focusing on to be true. And the more specific you can get, the more the brain has direction to create steps to accomplish the goal. So, what are those specific things that you want to experience or create this year, 2025?


Friend, if you’ve done this exercise with me and really put some thought and effort into it, just by doing it you have pulled your brain out of its stagnant, and even lazy, state where it’s just been creating the same negative results over and over again, year after year. But today, by doing this Life Assessment, your brain is awake and aware and engaged to create a powerful shift in your life and reset for a beautiful 2025. 


If you’d like some help creating a reset for your 2025 and you’d like to see how Life Coaching can help you, book a free call on my calendar. The link is in the show notes.


Also, I’ve put a link in the show notes for this week’s Listener’s Guide with all the questions we ran through today. Be sure to grab that.


And finally, my book, Another Beautiful Life, is now available on Amazon. Paperback and eBook. The direct link to that in the show notes as well.


Have a wonderful week, friends. See you next Wednesday for the next episode of Another Beautiful Life.




This is part two of the Life Assessment exercise where we take your results from last week and use them to make a plan for making 2025 an extraordinary year.  

If you haven’t filled out your Life Wheel assessment yet you can grab the Listener’s Guide from last week – episode 177 – that has the life wheel printed on it for you to fill out. Then also grab this week’s Listener’s Guide to work with me through this episode. Doing this exercise and really putting some thought and effort into it  pulls your brain out of its stagnant, and even lazy, state where it’s just been creating the same negative results over and over again, year after year. But today, by doing this Life Assessment, your brain is awake and aware and engaged to create a powerful shift in your life and reset for a beautiful 2025.  


Are you wondering how Life Coaching works? Would you like a free, 30-minute session? Click this link to set up a Consult Call:


Get the free, printable Listener’s Guide here:


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